Financial Support Instruments and the Development of Intermodal Rail Transport in Poland


Rail transport is crucial in creating a sustainable transport system. Intermodal transport, which is a form of multimodal transport, has been the fastest growing segment over the last 30 years. Stimulating its development by introducing targeted financial support solutions to reduce costs can be an effective solution. The aim of this paper is to indicate and assess the key financial conditions for the development of intermodal transport on the example of Poland. From the point of view of European transport corridors, its location is strategic, and the country’s rail transport market is one of the most competitive in the European Union. The following statement is the underlying thesis of the current study: comprehensive implementation of the proposed financial changes and solutions would result in a more dynamic development of the intermodal railway transport. Using a scenario analysis, both optimistic and neutral scenarios of the state of transportation (up until 2030) were estimated. According to the presented optimistic scenario, intermodal transport in Poland may double within the next 6-8 years.