Food Security, Institutional Framework and Technology: Examining the Nexus in Nigeria using ARDL Approach


In this paper, we examined the level of technology and how investment in agricultural science and technology can improve technical known-how in Nigeria with a view to achieving food security. Growth in agricultural science and technology is deemed essential for increasing agricultural output; reduce the vulnerability of rural poverty and in turn, food security. Food security and productivity growth in agriculture are based largely on the application of science and technology. The indicators of food security utilised include: dietary energy supply, average value of food production, prevalence of food inadequacy, among others. The results from econometric analysis based on Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) showed, inter alia, that in Nigeria, there is high level of food insecurity as a result of low attention on food production occasioned by the pervasive influence of  oil that become the major export product. Hence, policy to turn around the trend is recommended in the study.