Food Waste and Consumers Expenditure – A Comparative Analyses between Pandemic COVID 19 Period and a Regular Period of Time


In this paper we are doing a research related to the consumers expenditure with the objectives to find out , through an interpretation of an questionnaire which were the main products people bought during the pandemic period , the reason that conducted to this decision and to see the link between impulsive buyers and food waste.  As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, many changes took place in consumer behaviour related to products, channels, and motivations. There are theories which  support the idea that despite the contextual changes and emotional impact arising in a crisis, research on consumers purchasing buyers confirmed that individuals behave in a more rational way during crises. Moreover consumers tended to concentrate their purchases on basic goods, rather than luxury ones. Starting from this hypothesis we want to find out if our research confirms this in the case of  NV  of  Romania during 2020-2022 period .

The result of the research will be considered useful since many companies will have to rethink their commercial strategy.