Forced Internal Displacement In Ukraine: Realities, Socio-Economic Problems, Perspectives


The problem of forced internal displacement is dramatically aggravating in the society. To address various issues related to it, it is necessary to take into account global and internal peculiarities of individual countries and regions. Military aggression of Russia against Ukraine, the annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the military conflict in Donbas have caused an unprecedented internal and external displacement of large numbers of Ukrainian population. In 2016-2017, Ukraine entered the top-10 countries of the world as to the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs). By mid-2018 their number in Ukraine was about 1 million 510 thousand people. Forced displacement on such a scale have created serious challenges for Ukraine socio-economic, political, legal, socio-psychological, etc. Particularly acute is the fact that massive forced internal displacement in Ukraine is imposed on even larger migration flows of Ukrainians abroad that have been formed before.