Formalisation et représentation des ontologies par les réseaux de Pétri à objets


The documentary information retrieval interest more and more and often resorts to various tools of formalization and representation, which taken independently do not lead to the anticipated results. Without aiming at exhaustiveness, our study combining the ontology and Petri nets, and to try to release some promising tracks in this domain, but which seems a rather interesting alternative in the optics of the expressive power of the deductive representations. The context of the work consists to formalize ontologies by the Object Petri nets (OPn) and we describe a tool of edition of ontologies called EdOPnOnt. This last is a graphic interface based on the Petri networks Objects leads to represent and exploit the different ontological components: concepts, relations and requests. The illustration of our model is made in various domains to confer on this system the generality.