Some Issues of the Formation and Implementation of the Development Strategies of Ukraine’s Regions Taking Into Account European Experience


The article discusses issues of the formation and implementation of the development strategy for the regions of Ukraine in the aspect of European integration. Features of strategic planning in Great Britain, Australia, the USA, Poland, Estonia, Sweden, the European Union are analyzed. The main aspects of the Strategy of Sustainable Development "Ukraine 2020", the State Strategy of Regional Development until 2020 are considered. Kharkшv region of Ukraine was given as an example of the development strategy for the regions of Ukraine in the aspect of European integration. An analysis of the Development Strategy of Kharkiv region until 2020 is carried out in comparison with approaches of regional planning and management in Ukraine and the EU. Attention is paid to the strategic and operational goals of the development strategy of Kharkiv region until 2020. The essence of social management is substantiated, technique of trajectory modeling of the movement of social objects is justified. As an example, the technique for determining the trajectory of the formation and development of the region's competitiveness is considered on the basis of the conducted research in for Kharkiv region. Movement trajectories are constructed for some counties and cities of the region for 2009-2015, distribution of areas is shown in the phase plane according to the features of the trajectories movement for 2009, 2012 and 2015. Areas (counties) are identified that have made the greatest progress and have lost their developmental positions. This methodological approach allowed identifying cities with the greatest progress and regressive development. The article provides technique, algorithm of research and concrete results.