Formation of Relational Strategies of the Enterprise in the Conditions of Network Infocommunication Interactions


In the article, new strategic guidelines for enterprise development are associated with the formation of relational strategies based on infocommunication interactions with other network entities. The purpose of this work is to develop and study a model for forming relational strategies of an enterprise operating in the conditions of network interactions. Norms of behavior of relational actors are regulated not only by formal obligations, but also by largely informal agreements. The theoretical and methodological concept of the work is based on the idea that relational relations between partners in interaction due to a high level of self-organization, adaptation to infocommunication interactions and ordering of activities can ensure the achievement of strategic targets for the development of the enterprise. The results of the work consist, first, in expanding the category of relational rent: its content is supplemented with a network component, which actively contributes to the inclusion of potential partners in the processes of information relationships; second, in updating the system of principles for the formation of relationships based on additional principles of networking and giving new content to the known ones; thirdly, in the development, clarification of the definition of "relational strategy", resulting in the addition formulas of the relational space connected with two-way interactions, the concept of the perspectives of a network of relationships; fourth, the modernization approach to the development of integral indicator of assessment of the potential and outcomes of relational interactions that are based on multivariate models by incorporating additional components, reflecting slavishly. These results determine the theoretical and practical value of the work, have signs of scientific novelty, which is significant for specialists in the field of strategic planning at the enterprise. The relevance of the research is due to the incorporation of a set of issues related to the relational network component in the theory and practice of strategic planning.
