Forming Industrial Enterprise Activity Quality Assessment Model


The continuous growth of requirements for the technical level, quality of production and the pace of its renewability, focus on the maximum satisfaction of the requirements of consumers of competition, necessitates a significant increase in the effectiveness and validity of measures and decisions in the field of ensuring the quality of the industrial enterprise. As an analysis of the sources used has shown, among the tasks of ensuring quality, the least developed is the construction of a model for assessing the quality of work. The basic requirements for building a model are determined by the goals of the functioning of the elements of the production system and the scope of tasks for their management. In this case, it is useful to identify two main areas in solving production management problems. The first direction is related to the management of the implementation of the production program in the enterprise units and the implementation of production costs at the optimal level. The second direction is connected with the management of the development of productive forces and production relations. Thus, the model for assessing the quality of work should reflect the goals of the control object, the means to achieve them, the level of fulfillment of the tasks assigned to it. Based on this, the article developed a mathematical model for a comprehensive assessment of the quality of an industrial enterprise, taking into account the possibility of forming a dimensionless complex indicator, by combining individual indicators of various dimensions and taking into account the significance of individual indicators and monitoring its dynamics, eliminating the compensation of low values of some indicators due to higher values other indicators.
