Free Movement of Labour in the European Space and Impact on the Labour Market in Romania


The purpose of the study is to provide an ample and objective analysis of the dynamics of the labor force and employment of the population in the European space as well as the implications for the Romanian labor market. This paper tries to present the positive effects induced by the relaxation of the pressures generated by the persistence of the high level of unemployment in turn, are counteracted by the negative impact on the size of the workforce, especially the highly skilled. The unemployment situation in the European Union as well as in Romania is presented and supported by the official data provided by Eurostat and the National Agency for Employment. The result of official data reveals that Eurozone unemployment has reached a record high at the end of last year. The implications for the Romanian economy of labor migration are multiple. One of these is the remittances sent by Romanians working in the European area, which in the past 10 years were in the amount of 50 billion euros, a little less than the total revenue earned by the state in 2016.
