Gas Hazard Monitoring Systems in Hard Coal Mines in Poland


Natural hazards are an inseparable element of mining activities. Along with the increase in the depth of exploitation, these phenomena intensify, and they are associated with an increasing disturbance of the balance in the rock mass. Interacting threats are the most common cause of disasters and exposure of people to factors harmful to health. The state of coexistence of many natural hazards significantly hinders the mining process and causes many difficulties in ensuring its safety. Preventive measures are very important in this regard, both in terms of staff training and activities related to the work environment. In this regard, caution should also be exercised, because poorly conducted prophylaxis may result in the activation of other threats, increasing their intensity or limiting the possibility of effective use of other preventive methods. Conducting safe operation in these conditions requires, in addition to the use of the latest technologies and operation systems, the introduction of appropriate technical equipment enabling the diagnosis of the current state and forecasting of future states, and thus taking actions to reduce the effects of these threats. The article focuses on gas hazards, one of the most dangerous in underground coal mining. In order to limit the effects of these threats, a number of technical and IT solutions were introduced in the mines. The paper discusses the current condition of equipment in mines with air parameters monitoring and control systems, in particular automatic gasometry, and presents the directions of development of these systems related to technological changes. The process of collecting, transmitting, processing and visualizing the measurement results of these systems, as well as signaling emergency states and automation of machine and equipment operation blocks in conditions of methane explosion hazard is also presented. Also discussed were solutions enabling the integration of gasometric systems with alarm systems and supporting the evacuation of employees from hazardous zones. Due to its topicality and significant impact on the safety and efficiency of mining production processes, the presented subject matter is of great importance for mining enterprises. It also indicates that in order to improve the state of occupational safety, it is necessary to use industrial automation and IT systems to a greater extent. Their independence from the subjective feelings of employees and the possibility of continuous operation mean that these systems can effectively carry out their tasks.