Gender Inequality and Development in Nigeria: Hindrances and Implications


Gender inequality prevents women from contributing favorably towards national development. Nigeria is a patriarchal society and women are in a subordinate position and value of sons is held in a high esteem. In fact, despite the fact that the principle of non discrimination has been enshrined in Section 2 of the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, gender equity remains pervasive in Nigeria. Equal opportunity for women is vital force which not only improves their quality of life but also enhance their contributions to economic growth and development. Women do not enjoy the same opportunities as men in life, as they are confronted with lots of socio-cultural impediments which limit their aspirations and contributions towards national development. The deep-rooted discrimination extends to social, economic, political, and legal environment, in addition to property inheritance, and institutional support spheres. Nigeria is by tradition a patriarchal society in which women are discriminated against from infancy. Women suffer discrimination and marginalization through denial of rights making it difficult to fulfill their potentials towards developmental process. Despite government efforts in confronting patriarchal tendencies through treaties and conventions in gender mainstreaming, it is evident that gender inequality is on a daily increase.