General Characteristics of Bologna and Other Agreements Aimed at Intrenationalization of Higher Education


To systemize leading trends in higher education in the context of globalization. The goal is achieved by the following objectives: globalization is considered as a factor in the development of higher education, general trends in the development of higher education in the context of globalization are identified, the leading role of massification, internationalization and informatization as leading trends in the development of higher education in the context of a new phase of globalization is justified and the corresponding conclusions and conclusions are prepared. Methodology: in the process of preparing the article, a wide range of research methods was used including dialectical, logical, conceptual-logical, systemic, formal-legal, comparative-legal methods, as well as an interdisciplinary approach. Basic content. The globalization of higher education is a systemic and complex phenomenon. It is the subject of scientific knowledge and statutory regulation. The processes taking place in the field of higher education are mutually reinforcing and interconnected, the real consequences of which are subject to constant analysis and evaluation. In order to determine the main trends in the globalization of higher education, UNESCO documents, the Bologna Declaration, and the opinions of Russian and foreign scientists are being studied. Conclusions. The analysis concluded that the importance of higher education in the context of globalization lies in the fact that it provides training for the global economy, seeks answers to globalization challenges and contradictions, and connects globalization processes. The general trends in the development of higher education in the context of globalization are massification, informatization and internationalization. However, they should not completely exclude national and local education from higher education for its sustainable and progressive development.