General Conclusions Regarding the Labor Market in Romania – Projections of the Labor Market until 2015


It is needed to make assessments more rigorous and prudent once again emerged from the employment setting common objectives and joint political tactics as part of the Lisbon strategy (recent examples include decisions of the EU in terms of new skills for jobs and employment benchmarking revised in 2008-2012). Such results help to inform the labor market encourages pro-active, helps maintain the employability of unemployed or reintegrate individuals who are economically inactive. Also, this issue is particularly important because of increasing migration between countries. In any case, it is possible that labor mobility in European countries to increase even more. International mobility can help solve problems that delay the onset of the labor market and can also cope with surpluses or deficits of skills, abilities .. Therefore, information regarding qualifications in Europe next work can help guide policy direction and to the same extent as it may inform individuals in connection with future developments. Many countries already undertake such work. These projections provides an European perspective, providing robust estimates for all EU members. The idea came from research in accordance with the latest European guidelines that are growing, moving to a new transformation, a new process further perfection fully united Europe.