Generation X and their Expectations of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Empirical Study from Poland


Implementing corporate social responsibility activities is an everyday occurrence for many companies operating in today's market, but there are also companies for which such activities are just a manifestation of following trends, and for still others they have become a style of doing business. Regardless of intentions, the implementation of such activities is also confirmed by the expectations of a wide range of consumers, including representatives of Generation X.   The article presents the results of the second stage of the author's survey of Generation X consumers. The presented results are the result of a comprehensive study carried out within the framework of a research project entitled. "Corporate social responsibility in the 21st century", within the framework of statutory research. The presented respondents' answers to selected research questions confirm the necessity of continuous learning about consumers' expectations and adjusting activities on the part of enterprises to them. The results can be used by enterprises in developing marketing strategies dedicated to consumers of generation X, so that they are best suited to their expectations, requirements and preferences. The article is of a research nature and is part of the stream of research on consumer reactions and expectations towards CSR initiatives.