Generational Cohorts in the Czech Republic and Former Czechoslovakia: Workplace Challenges and Conflicts


This article aims to describe the distinguishing characteristics that differentiate Baby Boomers, Generation Y and Generation Y in the Czech Republic and former Czechoslovakia from the generational features commonly perceived in USA and other west-oriented countries. It is important for employers and managers to understand that no matter how common and popular the topic of managing various generation nowadays is, there is no such thing as unite view on the generational issue worldwide. Taking historical, economic, political and demographical factors into account, author offers a new approach to an explanation of the generation evolution in the Czech Republic and former Czechoslovakia. Paper is based on the analysis of the secondary data, especially sociological, economical and historical studies. Interviews with managers of various generations were also led and evaluated. As a result, main intergenerational conflicts and challenges occurring nowadays in the workplace are identified and explained.