Green Business Sustainability: Green Marketing, Innovation and Ethics towards Business Performance


Indonesia is one of the countries that has a very large number of Micro and Small-sized business. Data from the Ministry of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises for 2018 show that the number of micro-enterprises of 63,350,222 experienced growth from 2017 which amounted to 62,106,900. Total growth is about 2% or equivalent with 1,243,322. This development is quite good because of this shows that micro-enterprises in Indonesia continue to grow and show a fairly large number This growth continues to show a positive trend. In addition to micro businesses, small businesses also experience growth based on 2018 data is still from the same source, namely the Ministry of Cooperatives and Enterprises Micro, Small and Medium showed that the number of small businesses as many as 783,132 or experiencing growth of about 3.44% or equivalent to 26,043 of 2017 data which shows that the number of businesses small as much as 757,090. Micro and business growth small indicates a trend that continues to be positive which means More and more people are starting their own business especially for micro-enterprises. The number of micro and small businesses has a total which is very large when compared to micro-enterprises, small and medium.