Green IT became the subject of interest of academic and business communities. The specificity of the food industry, in which the height of the harvest cannot be precisely determined. This business, like no other, depends on environmental and climate factors. It should be noted that Polish food is highly competitive in the EU and in the world. Polish Investment and Trade Agency indicates that, in 2017, about 80% of all exports went to the EU market, and Germany is Poland's main trading partner with 22% exports for agri-food goods. On the other hand, family businesses in all world economies, constitute between 60 and 80% of the generated national income [La Porta, Lopez de Silanes, Sheifer 1999]. In the era of numerous threats resulting from the activities of enterprises, the environmental result is becoming a priority goal in business. In the paper, the importance of qualitative research as a preliminary approach to management issues have been indicated. Also, the results of the analysis of available documents and information have been presented. The main goal of the presented research is to present the practice of using Green IT in a family businesses in the food industry located in southern Poland.