Green Management Implementation on an Example of Luxury Class Hotels in Slovakia


Knowledge based economy forces companies to reconsider strategic impact of different components of internal capital on their performance. Traditional extensive value drivers, based mainly on structural capital, are gradually extended with more intensive utilization of relational and human-resources oriented alternatives also in hospitality industry. Applying the elements of green management and sustainable development principles are characteristic trends in accommodation services. The current approach to hotel management is mostly revenue-oriented, i.e. strives to generate profit from temporally and locationally specific combinations of internal, technical and social capabilities, including, e.g. market segmentation, pricing, capacity allocation, aligned incentives, organizational structure or vocational training. Accordingly, present managers maximize metrics like occupancy (OCC), average daily rate (ADR), revenue per available room (RevPAR), revenue per available customer (RevPAC), gross operating profit per available room (GOPPAR) and many others. The paper deals with an application of green management elements in luxury class hotels in Slovakia. We used the methods of scientific work; and i.e.; the analysis method, a generalization method, mathematical, and statistical methods. Surveyed accommodation facilities reached the best results with compact fluorescent lamps and LED lamps (98 %) and sorting containers (90 %). Based on the ascertained facts, we state that accommodation facilities in Slovakia should definitely invest in the green initiatives.