Greening in the Process of Providing Municipal Services of Local Collective Transport as a Challenge to Climate Change


The reasons for the special consideration of public utility services may be sought in many factors that result from the specific nature of such services. As a part of this study, the Author has, in particular, analyzed one of such factors, i.e. occurrence of external effects and the related advantages and costs for a particular society and related evidence for greening of public transport in light of greening of economy, meaning the attempts to lower the usage of energy, materials and the amount of created pollution and its burden.The development of research concerning the costs and external advantages is determined by the level of awareness of the society. The currently conducted research is very connected with the issues of road transport as the significant cause for the negative ecological impact on the environment we live in. The developments of means of transportation is mostly conducted in an uncontrolled way that, consequently, leads to the degradation of the environment and this breaches of the biological balance and inevitably increases the factors that limit global life on the planet. Thus, if we analyze the influence of transport on the natural environment, we should not focus only on the factors that have a direct impact on living organisms and nature since the actions caused indirectly by means of transportation may be, after some time, much more dangerous. The thesis of this part of the study is the assumption that public utility companies of public transport have a direct influence on quality of life, especially in the case of the weakest persons, by giving the passengers access to, for instance, education, health care centers etc. Moreover, public transport that manages to acquire passengers who own and may use a car helps in lowering problems such as noise, emission of exhaust, as well as crowded roads and number of accidents.