Growth Factors Of Insurance Interests Of Russian Citizens


The resent trends in the development of the Russian insurance market are favorable on the annual growth of insurance premiums. However, a detailed analysis allows us to conclude that the growth is mainly due to the rapid development of the investment life insurance segment. The main risks associated with the protection of housing, movable property, health are not the subject of an insurance contract due to the low level or lack of insurance interest of citizens.The article examines the issues of insurance protection of the interests of citizens of the Russian Federation in the context of reducing the possibilities of the state budget and other centralized funds for compensation of damage. The main aim of this article is to study the factors that determine the increase in the propensity to insurance among individuals and to identify the relationships between them.

Special attention is paid to the development of a system of measures to ensure an increase in citizens’ interest in using the insurance mechanism. The directions that will increase the level of insurance penetration among the population have been identified.