This paper addresses the issue of HR risk management in the face of the pandemic and the development of remote working. The research problem being identified is whether the pandemic situation gives rise to new areas of HR risk and whether the experiences of this period should influence the way risk is managed in the future. The main purpose of the paper is to identify the gap between the risks indicated by managers at the beginning of the pandemic and some selected actual challenges. The HR risk area chosen is remote working. The text includes both a literature review and the authors’ own study consisting of two parts. The first one deals directly with how companies manage risk. The study used a descriptive form that was completed by managers in the first half of 2020. The second part of the study was conducted using the CAWI method and concerned the evaluation of remote working from the perspective of employees. The particular value of combining these surveys is the possibility to compare risk management with the actual risk. External reports were also used to comment on the results. The paper has been prepared as part of the project entitled ‘Tools for managing teams of employees in conditions of forced remote working based on technological solutions of economy 4.0’ financed within the Regional Initiative for Excellence programme of the of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, years 2019-2022; project No. 004/RID/2018/19; funding amount PLN 3m.