Identifying Outsourcing Executive Processes using Group Decision Making Approach based on Analytic Hierarchy Process


Outsourcing means delegating a job to another organizational resources to achieve more desirable resources, which allows the organization to focus on its strengths and improve its values. Various criteria are considered in selecting outsourcing processes that are affected by strategic issues, reducing bottlenecks, and avoiding risks. Picking the activities that can be outsourced, promotion of productivity and observance of laws and regulations are among the most important concerns in this regard. At the brainstorming meeting consisting of 10 experts of the company, firstly, 47 outsourcing processes based on a general criterion are identified. Secondly, 32 indicators are determined and given to the experts for more precise evaluation in the form of a questionnaire. According to the content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI), 15 proper items are identified. After classification and integration using the affinity diagram, 7 main criteria and 10 sub-criteria are obtained. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach is used in the EXPERT CHOICE software environment for weighting the criteria. Finally, by using the rating method, the status of each of the processes is evaluated and prioritized based on the mentioned criteria and according to the 3-point Likert scale.