Impact of an Enterprise’s Company Profile on Social Media on Purchasing Decisions of Representatives of Generation Z


Social media – especially for young generation Z – have become an essential tool for establishing private, professional and consumer relations. People from generation Z constitute an increasingly demanding group of customers. The aim of the paper is to find out how representatives of generation Z assess the creation of a company profile by an enterprise on social media, and to indicate the actions taken by an enterprise on its social media company profile that had the biggest impact on representatives of generation Z's decisions to make a purchase. As well as literature review, a survey was conducted among 233 students – representatives of generation Z. Analysis of the gathered empirical data gave grounds for verifying the research hypotheses formulated in the paper and concluding that most of the surveyed representatives of generation Z consider a company profile to be a valuable source of information about the company and its offer.  Moreover, actions taken by entrepreneurs on their company profiles impact purchasing decisions of representatives of generation Z. Actions with the biggest impact on their purchasing decisions include: publishing information about promotion and receipt of a discount coupon. Additionally, the strength of the relationships between the analysed variables and the respondent’s gender and place of residence was verified.