Impact of Big Five Factors of Personality on Work Life Conflict in Private Banking Sector


Thus this study focused on the relationship between employees’ personality and work life conflict in private banks in Quetta.Quantitative investigation method was accompanied in order to assess a sequence of hypothesis to observe impact of personality factors on employee work life conflict.The target population for the study was all the employees in private banking sector of Quetta city. Total 54 branches of 9 well known private banks located in Quetta city were selected for the study.The sample size for the study was 280. 300 questionnaires were distributed among employees, 272 were returned back. The findings of this study suggested that personality have an impact on work life conflict. The results of correlation and regression analysis show that personality traits, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Consciousness and Openness to experience have negative impact on work life conflict while employees having personality trait neuroticism face more work life conflict.
