Impact of Covid-19 on Education Management in Lebanon


he outspread of COVID-19 has also created panic, depression, and different anxiety among people across the globe (NCIRD 2020). The increase ofCOVlD-19 has sent repercussions across the world. The public health calamities, unparalleled in our lifespans, has produced acute human suffering and deaths. The drastic increase in diseased victims and the substantial outcomes of critical patients of the infection have stunned hospitals and physicians and put remarkable stress on the health division. As governments handled with the increase of the infection by shutting down entire economic divisions and formidable extensive limitations on mobility, the healthy calamity developed into a major financial disaster which is predictable to burden civilizations for future time (Duraku & Hoxham, 2020). In response to this crisis there are numerous preventive measures taken by the countries around the world to contain the spread of COVID- l9. Especially, to save future generation schools, colleges and universities have been closed which have affected more than 575 million students in I88 countries who have been directly affected by the closure of schools and universities. (UNESCO, 2020).