Impact of Using Electronic Collaborative Media on Knowledge Sharing Phases


The advances in computers and communication technologies have enabled many companies to leverage knowledge. The emerging powerful systems such as internet, intranet, Lotus Notes, and conferencing systems allow people to collaborate and share their complementary knowledge, without overly constraining them to geographic location and time. Therefore, Organizations especially those adapting to rapidly changing environments, face the challenge of being able to use these technologies, in order to gain knowledge sharing effectively within highly constrained timeframes.  This study came to explore the effect of using electronic collaborative media on knowledge sharing phases. This study investigated a sample formed of (180) individuals operating in a number of hospitals within the Jordanian health sector; using the electronic collaborative system, to perform its different duties. In order to achieve this purpose the study proposed the following hypotheses: using of electronic collaborative media is positively influences on the knowledge sharing phases. The study concluded some important results such as that among the most important electronic collaborative media used in knowledge sharing in the hospitals subject to research are the E- mail and video conferencing, and existence of a significant effect between using the electronic collaborative media and the knowledge sharing process in the researched hospitals.