Impact of Web Technology on UAE Market – An Exploratory Survey


An exploratory survey was carried out with a help of a pre-designed questionnaire primarily to gain information on the web technology being used by the business houses in the UAE and its impact on their businesses. The findings show that new firms are using web technology since their inceptions; that reengineering is being done annually, all the surveyed firms are highly satisfied with the download speed, more than 90% informed that they were rarely subjected to intruder attacks However, the study also pointed the areas where improvements could be made. They are the upload speed, customer and employees satisfaction level with the performance of the web sites, web sites not being integrated with banking and logistics organizations and the quantum of business operations generated by the web sites following few suggestions are made: meet the customers and their own employees to know the reasons for their dissatisfaction and set right them, more awareness to be created amongst the customers to improve operations , more institutions to offer courses in different aspects of web technology to meet future demands