The main purpose of this research is examining possibility implementation of E-voting and E-proxy in Indonesia capital market. This research using case study method, with PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia as subject of research. PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) is an institution licensed by Bapepam-LK (is now Indonesia Financial Services Authority/OJK) as a central securities depository. KSEI serves to provide regular, fair, and efficient securities custodian and securities transaction settlement services. For securities in the form of shares, every share issued by a securities issuer has one vote, unless the articles of association of the company determine otherwise. The shareholder is entitled to attend the general meeting of shareholders to exercise his/her voting rights. The AGM shall be held at the place of domicile of the company or at the place of the company conducting its business activities based on the article of association. For a public company, AGM may be held at the domicile of the stock exchange where the company's shares are listed. Based on the analysis of this case study, it was found that the application of Evoting and E-proxy in the Indonesia capital market could improve the efficiency of the Indonesia capital market and the participation of shareholders in the AGM.