Implementing European Models Serving Clients in the Romanian Banking System


Given that the products offered by Romanian banks are standardized and differs very little from one bank to another, customer care and quality of service are the most important elements of a successful banking market activities, which is why selling banking products will be based on the needs of their clients in the first place.

The objective is to provide modern banking customers those solutions that best fit their needs on the one hand and on the other hand the possibility / our abilities. We will be different from competitors if we give each customer the most suitable products and services. However Together with an appropriate service model will build a special relationship between Client and Bank Advisor.

New service models have been developed taking into account all the above and will serve as tools to support the retail sales staff in building long term relationships with bank customers and increase sales of banking products. The new concept will change your sales approach from product orientation to customer orientation.
Advantages offered by new customer service models:

- The existence of a personal adviser for the mass affluent Netscape clients (individual);
- The existence of a dedicated advisor for mass-market customers where customer contact is initiated by the bank in order to promote products and for Finance Check interview;
customer care and needs;
- Required products are offered at the right time and at a corresponding price.