Implications of the Economic Progress in Organizing Business


The global and very inter-connected society nowadays, a moment when the world population is over 7 billions inhabitants, generates new dilemmas and questions; the theorists and the policy makers are more and more often surprised by the speed of the changes in society. It’s becoming harder to understand the direction the global economy is heading and what the perspectives of the business organizations are after crisis. Paradoxical, even in the context of the financial crisis starting with 2007 and until now, some business organizations have consolidated their position on the national and international markets. What strategies have the organizations used for success? What are the main directions that will change the management strategies and associated to these strategies what will be the type of organization chart in the next future? There is a large number of analysts who analyzed detailed the problem of company organization (including Harrington&Harrington, Peter Drucker, S.Certo and more); their major part have reached the conclusion that in the global society nowadays, in which successful companies process and sell knowledge, in which the computer network are compulsory for the daily management, the companies must decentralize their structures and democratize their daily management practices. Therefore, in the society of knowledge the flexibility of management strategies and fast adaptation to the organizational structures can assure, we believe, an extra chance for the survival of the companies.