Improvement Of Industrial Policy In Russia In The Conditions Of Key Calls For Industrial Development And Economic Security


One of system problems of economic policy of modern Russia consists in inconsistency of the separate types making it the politician (industrial, scientific and technical, technological, financial and credit, regional, etc.) in aspect of economic security and, as a result, in a separation from reality and the developing trends. Contrary to expectations, Federal Laws from 28. 12. 2010 No. 390-FZ "About safety", of 31.12.2014 No. 488-FZ "About industrial policy in the Russian Federation" and other normative legal acts did not become the effective documents of direct action integrating the key directions of economic growth and economic security.

Development of the competitive hi-tech Russian economy in the medium and long term remains extremely relevant and until the end of the state importance which is not solved by a task, as well as development of economy on a digital basis in the conditions of the remaining high dependence on import of the equipment and other types of products for implementation of digital technologies.