Improvement of Procedures and Methods of Personnel Selection for the Budgetary Sphere Organization


In the course of the research, the theoretical basis for personnel selection in Russian budget organizations was examined, it was revealed that when selecting, the professional and personal qualities of the employee are compared with the requirements of the workplace. Modern conditions require the use of active methods of searching and recruiting personnel, attracting more applicants to the organization, meeting the requirements, improving the procedures for selection. Fundamental importance in the selection is compliance with the requirements of legislation, and the methods of assessment used must be clear, available, reliable and valid to all participants in this process. The study of the characteristics of the selected medical profile organizations made it possible to identify the problem with the organization's provision with medical personnel and give an appropriate description of the procedures and methods used to select medical personnel. In general, the system of recruitment  and selection of medical personnel in Russian institutions is organized at an insufficiently high level: the medical institution faces the problem of finding and selecting new employees, which they try to solve haphazardly, non-technologically, without taking into account the experience of work in this area accumulated by other organizations; there is practically no stage of assessing candidates for such important personal qualities as a culture of behavior. The carried out analysis of professional activities of a ward nurse makes it possible to conclude that for the effective selection of the criteria used for this position, it is not enough to take into account professional criteria such as professional knowledge, manipulation skills, personal criteria: sociability, discipline, ability to work in a team.