Improving Cyber Security Awareness among Generation X


One of the basic human rights that everyone is entitled to is privacy, and maintaining autonomy and individuality is an important aspect of privacy. However, one of the more vulnerable generations is generation X, those that were born between 1960 and 1985, as they consist of people who are required to use computers in their daily lives but did not grow up with a technologically advanced environment as the generation after them, the millennials. The purpose of this paper is to discover what factors of cyber security awareness are lacking in generation X’s knowledge and to then improve their knowledge. The chosen research methodology is design science research which combined with quantitative data analysis is a good approach when the desired end result is an artefact. The outcome of this project was to understand what factors generation X members needed to be made aware of and what factors were nonessential. The factors identified were then used to create an artefact, a poster, that’s purpose is to improve the understanding of cyber security awareness among generation X. The research is a beneficial stepping stone to furthering the improvement of cyber security awareness among generation X as technology grows and develops.