Improving Human Resource Management in Sport by Ergonomics Use


Ergonomics is Part of Human Resource Management

Human resource management is concerned first of all with peoples health, safety and comfort. Our work is done by people no matter how much computers are used, human resource isstill the main concern of organizations. In order to achieve performance personnel must be motivated to work better. We could do this by improving working conditions. Here it is the part of human resource management that it is called ergonomics.

Ergonomics is an interdisciplinary science that tries to achieve optimum balance between human resource- environment- equipment used during work shift, in order to gain productivity by better working conditions. This definition is provided to us by Ministry of Work.

 Performance is gained in companies by  standards and proper working environment. Fit man to job is one ergonomics way to put it or the opposite fit job to man. Sometimes working environment may have defficits in some issues and thus performance could be affected. Hazard and more accidents result in these cases. This is the purpose of the research  done here.