Improving Planning Industrial Corporation Personnel Qualification Improvement with Game Models Usage


With radical industrial corporations’ management system changes last 15 – 20 years, personnel management has been modernized sufficiently. Personnel management is transformed into HR management. This personnel management transformation leads to the following basic tendencies: relatively and absolutely growing number of personnel management employees all last years (in departments: personnel, development, teaching and attesting  personnel, labor and wages, social development); risen status of personnel & social issues director, which participates governance in industrial corporations and in some situations replaces the vice-president; sharply risen attention to personnel managers professional preparation level; in growing competition, personnel management strategy isolation from general business–strategy negatively impacted whole corporation activity effectiveness. Russian and foreign scientists’ inquiries pay sufficient attention to all personnel management functions consolidation around managerial «vertical», reflected in strategic level tasks elaboration in HRM. This strategy mission, between other prioritized strategic corporation aims, is to realize key its personnel policy aims. But, a range of key modern industrial corporation personnel management strategy aspects, determining balanced growth economic policy, is still poor inquired. Therefore, article on improving industrial corporation personnel qualification improvement, for strategy of structurely-factor providing firm with game models usage for determining optimal personnel number for qualification improvement, is actual and in-time