In Search of the University Quality Level Benchmarking: Examining the Academic Library Users Satisfaction as the Anchor of Service Performance Level


This study aims at examining the university’s service performance level as a proxy of its quality level by using a first-order CFA model designed to test the multi-facet of academic library user satisfaction theoretical constructs. Particularly, the study tested the ALUS’ (Academic Library Users Satisfaction) multidimensional constructs consisted of five factors – quality of staff services, quality of electronic services, suitability of library services, availability of library physical, and library service accessibility as the anchor of university’s quality performance level. This study involved 3605 respondents as the sample. The data accessed across multiple groups of library user’s background. The reliability tests displayed the internal consistencies of the five factors were satisfactorily (α=0.94). We employed the SEM’s fit measure model to evaluate the extent to which the hypothesized model fitted or in other words, adequately described the sample data. The results showed that the GFI, AGFI, and PGFI were 0.91, 0.89, and 0.75, respectively. This result indicated that the model was highly goodness fit, and all dimensional constructs supported the proposed theoretical model.