Industry 4.0 and the New Role of Universities


The article reveals the results of a study of the role and place of universities in the formation of "Industry 4.0", based on the rapid development of industries and fields of activity that form a new technological structure. The basis of technological development is the generation of intellectual property. A detailed analysis of the processes of university participation in the creation of a new technological structure is considered on the example of nanotechnology. The study showed a significant lag in the contribution of universities to the creation of intellectual property products to be commercialized. It is proved that this situation is connected, first of all, with the absence of new models of universities in the conditions of radical changes in the external environment. Changes in the activities of universities are of a point-like nature: a significant part of higher education institutions in Russia carry out passive changes, focusing more on factors of influence from the state. Therefore, most universities in terms of their development dynamics are not real leaders in their subject areas. Moreover, many universities still do not pose such tasks, mainly engaged in the reorganization of current activities in the traditional format. The authors recommend accelerating the development and implementation of university development strategies, which should be aimed at enhancing their participation in the transition of the economy to "Industry 4.0". In addition, a transition to a new model of the university’s activity is required using the drivers of changes within universities, based on the development of their scientific potentials.