Industry 4.0 Core Skills: A Think Tanks Research Report


We are witnessing a technology revolution (referred to as Industry 4.0 or I4.0) that has transformed the way we live, work and socialize.  As a result, global labor markets have undergone major transformations that require different kinds of competencies and skill sets to work with complex, fast and smart machines. Several comprehensive studies have been published by leading think tanks and advocacy groups on future skills and competencies. The purpose of this paper is to identify the I4.0 core non-technical skills recommended by the leading think tanks and advocacy groups. The research used suggested core skills by the International Labor Organization, reviewed all relevant reputable studies, and summarized them to identify the key core skills.  Reports from McKinsey Global Institute, Deloitte, Boston Consulting Group, Ernst & Young, QS Intelligence Unit, Burning Glass Technologies, Pearson, PWC, World Economic Forum, Universities of the Future, OECD, LinkedIn, and Manpower Group were reviewed, a summary of key core skills were developed, and several practical recommendations were made to help higher education equip their graduates with these essential skills of the future.