Industry 4.0 – Safety Guidelines in the Construction of Technical Devices


In Industry 4.0, the use of machinery and equipment is subject to numerous safety-critical restrictions. The inherent difficulty lies in the fact that such requirements are not uniform, which in turn is due to the failure of legislators to address specific design needs as prerequisites for machine use (SWD (2021) 83 final). Given the lack of rules dedicated to such matters, it is necessary to apply the laws that are currently in force while additionally accounting for requirements pertaining to specific uses. The problem affects the so-called collaborative robots (cobots) that engage directly with humans. Detailed requirements for such machines need to be identified to make possible the adoption of solutions that will embrace the state of the art in applicable technology.

The paper discusses technical solutions based on harmonized standards governing the use of machinery and equipment in keeping with Industry 4.0 guidelines. The case of collaborative packaging robots has been used to identify applicable design guidelines and relate them to requirement categories. Once identified, the guidelines and requirements are subjected to thorough analysis. The paper is of great importance for any practitioners who design machinery and equipment with a view to their application in Industry 4.0 companies.