Inevitability of Structural and Economic Reforms of Regional Economy


Considering the problem of the inevitability of structural reforms of the regional economy, the authors believe the key instrument of these reforms to be the regional economic policy. At the same time, state regulation of regional economic growth is considered as the general carcass of structural institutional and economic reforms (with the exception of those actions of regional authorities that contribute to regional growth) and is identified with federal regional policy. Arguing from the position of the systems approach, regional policy should be regarded as one of the directions of state regulation of economy. The characterization of the subjects of regional economy, the consolidation of efforts of which regional economic policy is aimed at, was carried out on the basis of the structural approach that followed after the stakeholder approach and reflected the peculiarities of subject-object relations taking place at any level of social and economic systems. The resort to the structural approach appears quite justified if supporting the common paradigm according to which a region is considered as a quasi-corporation. In this case, authorities (both central and regional) take interest in expanding the economic independence of the regions that allows them to realize their potential. The article also deals with some of the most urgent problems connected with the structure of the subjects of regional economy. In particular, the list of the subjects was updated to take into account the specific place of the agrarian area as a subsystem of the regional social and economic system, and a number of factors defining the efficiency of realization of regional economic policy were distinguished.