The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of learning model and critical thinking skill towards the learning outcomes of science. This research conducted in SDN Menteng 02, Central of Jakarta on fifth grade in academic year 2015 / 2016, by using simple random sampling technique was done to 60 students. The data is collected by test and analyzed by using analysis variant ( ANAVA) two way design with treatment by level 2x2. Based on the results and discussion, it concluded that (1) the learning outcomes of students taught by using inquiry training model are higher than students taught by using group investigation model, (2) there is interaction effect between the application of learning model and critical thinking skill towards learning outcomes of science, (3) the learning outcomes of students taught by using inquiry training model are higher than students taught by using group investigation model on group of the students who have high critical thinking skill, and (4) the learning outcomes of students taught by using inquiry training model are lower than students taught by using group investigation model on group of the students who have low critical thinking skill. The result of this research indicates that inquiry training model with critical thinking skill able to improve learning outcomes of science.