Influence of Investments on the Beekeeping Sector Development in Romania


This paper proposes an analysis of the impact that investments can have on growth and development in a certain sector, in this case, the beekeeping sector. In order to accomplish this study, data on the number of bee families, total honey production, average honey production, honey market price, production value as well as investments, respectively beekeepers' support through the National Beekeeping Program were analysed. As a result of the analysis about the developments of these indicators, there is a similarity between the trends, thus, there is a development of the sector. In the second part of the analysis we determined the correlation coefficients between investments and the number of bee families and the value of the production. In the end, it could be determined that the development of the sector (of the herds and of the value of the production) is correlated in a significant proportion with the investments made under the National Bee Program.
