Influence of the Globalization on Doing Business in Slovakia


The business environment in Slovakia is being paid attention just for a relatively short period of time - since the change of the social establishment in 1989, which is connected with the emergence of the market economy. The Government of the Slovak Republic strives to create a favorable business environment with a special emphasis on family business.  In general, family businesses are hard to define, but they have certain features, a long-term perspective for members of a family not included in the business, the business name of the company is selected by the name of the founder. One of the most important changes in current business environment is globalization, internalization of the business and work environment. In Slovakia arise small and medium companies, arise the opportunity for development of family businesses. Consequence of globalization is formation of a multicultural work environment, opportunities for Slovak managers to verify their competences outside their native land. The aim of this article is to highlight the changes in the business environment in Slovakia, to highlight the changes in the requirements on the managerial competences. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of Slovak's economy, they represent 99% of all business in the Slovak republic. The European Commission considers SMEs and entrepreneurship as key to ensuring economic growth, innovation, job creation, and social integration in the EU.