Influence Of Wages On The Labor Market In Agricultural Organizations


The problem of employment and retention of agricultural personnel is an extremely urgent problem, both for the Russian economy and in the general scientific context. Qualified personnel ensure the effectiveness of any territorial production system. At the same time, not all sectors are equally attractive. First of all, applicants pay attention to the level of wages, compensation package, social package. The topic is also being updated due to the specifics of agriculture as the most important industry ensuring the country's food security. The purpose of this work is to analyze the features of employment of agricultural staff in the Sverdlovsk region. During the study, methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as deduction, were used. Labor in agriculture has specific characteristics, namely, it is characterized by sectoral characteristics of production and changes under the influence of technical factors. The working period in agriculture often does not coincide with the period of production (the result manifests itself after a sufficiently long time); the efficiency of the use of labor resources depends to a large extent on natural factors; labor is seasonal; work is carried out with living organisms, which requires universal qualifications from workers. The population as of January 1, 2019 was 146.8 million people (a decrease of 0.07% compared to the level of 2018). At the same time, the rural population decreased by 0.79%. Since 1995, the rural population has declined from 40.1 million to 37.3 million. In 2018, 4,936.6 thousand people were employed in the agriculture of the Russian Federation (about 6.9% of the total number of employees in the country), which is 2.7% lower than the level of 2017, Figure 1.