Information Sources and the University Selection Process: An Empirical Study


The selection criteria and the institution choice become more complex nowadays, marked by massive information available to the student. Given such, there will be a greater need for people to understand the perceived importance of the various information sources that facilitate the university choice process in today’s setting. For example, Abrahamson (2000) has demonstrated that there is an increasing trend of high school students rely on the Web for information about colleges/universities. Hence, the main objective of the study is to determine the main sources of information that students mostly use during the university selection stage. Furthermore, the research finds the gap between the perceived importance and the satisfaction levels of each attributes. On average, students ranked “university information on a website”, “media advertisement”, and “participation in an education fair” as the top three most important factors that will influence their choice of university. On the other hand, the least important information source is “visit to campus”. It appears that most of the respondents are dissatisfied with the university staff’s conversation.