
On the turbulent the electronic establishment of the strategy for further reform development of education by use of the contemporary information technology, represents an immense task. The immense fragmentation of institution of high education in B&H represents the significant problem in introduction of the efficient and effective management of the information system in B&H according to Bologn. Declaration, as well as the recommendations of the World Bank on the education, regarding the high education necessity, firstly regarding the law status of the University and Faculty. These research show that the application of contemporary education helped by the information technologies, represent revolutionary change in the high education, as well as in management which follows the contemporary informational system that brings and improves the education quality and the agricultural education of country. When it is about the expected results of research in the meaning of the social contribution of the research the is focused on the state and tendency of this development of Bosnia and Herzegovina's high educational organization (University) regarding the development of MIS educational in new net environment in accordance with Bologn process. The methodology of systematic approach and method of theoretical analysis was used in the paper. Regarding to object complexity of this research, and specially regarding to formulated aim of research and lecturing of research method, the part of research is realized on the sample of 8 Universities, 5 from B&H one from Croatia, one from Serbia and Montenegro and one from Austria totally 60 examiners from the frame of University and Faculty management. The focus of research was on the University of Sarajevo as the model. The statistical process analysis shows that there is the measurable statistical connection on influence of the quantity and quality of information necessary for the process of bringing of management decision and other evaluation. The results of examination show that in average, universities- faculties which have greater number of computers and which have built up or are in process of establishment of computer net, show higher degree evaluation of use as well as the quality of information from those University which have neither network processing.