Information Technology and Supply Chain Processes – Exploring the Connections


It is beyond doubt that advances in information and communication technology have changed our lives, especially through new ways of conducting business. Not only have business models changed, but also new tools have been introduced in many business functions. Supply Chain Management is one of the domains where numerous tools, such as ERP systems and CRM, have been introduced or enhanced as result of advances in information and communication technology. Yet, despite the fact that information and communication technology clearly is an enabler of fast flow of information to support operations and supply chain management, the relationship between supply chain management, and information and communication technology is still relatively unexplored (van Donk, 2008).

The aim of this study is to draw from previous work that examines the relationship between supply chain management and information and communication technology (e.g., Zhang, Van Donk, and Van der Vaart, 2011; McLaughlin, et al., 2003) and further contribute to the literature by exploring the relationship between supply chain success and the extent of agreement between information technology strategy and appropriate business processes.