Informative-Documentation Providing of Public Management of Businesses


Research actuality is confirmed by a circumstance that in a modern economy most workings it is busy at a production, storage, processing and realization of information, generuting and transformation of new knowledges, or provide these processes. It is the historical stage of post-industrial development, on which information and knowledgesis increased in single informative space. Due to forming and satiation of this space, information grows into an independent factor of production.By a purpose given the articles there is forming of algorithm of realization of organizational-administrative innovations on the basis of a public electronic document management system. For achievement of this purpose the followings tasks were decided:1)certain and systematized basic factors,influencing on introduction of organizational-administrative innovations, aimed at structuring a single information support business structure;2)     developed a system of evaluation criteria for the selection of an electronic document management system of the relevant public authorities for the implementation of the organizational and managerial innovations;3)    highlights three groups of parameters, which involve the local division of the criteria in order of importance for the main and additional criteria;4)    the proposed identification and systematization of criteria for the selection of the electronic document management system;5)    the algorithm of electronic document management system implementation in a single information providing business structures for the implementation of public administration.Methodological basis of the study are based on the methods of system analysis, comparisons and analogies, economic and mathematical modeling.Public administration and public policy implemented through a broad range of toolkits, content and form of which are integrally meet the goals and objectives of management in general and in specific areas.As a theoretical basis in the article used the work of domestic and foreign scholars on issues of public administration, including public regulation of social and economic systems, strategic planning, statistics. The sources of information are the economic and other special literature, articles from periodicals, studies, experience of leading foreign companies.As a result of this study we have developed an algorithm for the introduction of electronic document management systems into a single information providing business structures for the implementation of public administration, through which companies are able to overcome the fragmentation of the IS used, the inability to integrate, local inconsistencies in the information and documentation communications.