Innovations in the Electricity Transmission Industry: Employees Perspective on the Impact of Improved Product Development on the Performance of the Transmission Company of Nigeria


Electricity transmission grids need to be operated in a safe, affordable, reliable, predictable and sustainable manner. To do so, innovations in the electricity transmission industry have progressed in response to strict regulations and the unavoidable aging of transmission network infrastructure. Electric-power blackouts and an increase in electricity demand equally put pressure on the transmission grid, which further buttresses the need for more innovative tools and working methods for the transmission grid. The Nigerian electricity industry has received much attention as regards restructuring. To date, almost every segment of the industry has undergone restructuring in order to introduce formal markets as a vehicle for electricity transactions in the country, except for the transmission company. This paper talks about electric-power transmission innovations for improved electricity product development inclusive of: Contract networks for electric-power transmission; Spot pricing of electric-power transmission service; Prioritization of electricity transactions and related curtailment strategies for managing transmission congestion; Marginal pricing of transmission services; And robotics application to electricity transmission lines maintenance. A case study has been presented investigating employee’s perspective on the impact of improved electricity product development on the entrepreneurial performance of the transmission company of Nigeria.