Innovative Management Strategy Of The Mining Industry In The Region


The purpose of this study is to identify intraindustry economies that complicate the innovative development of mining enterprises. To achieve this goal the following problems were solved: to investigate the concept of "innovative strategy of the enterprise"; to analyze the state of crude iron ore production and production of commercial iron in the regions; to formulate the factors of development of the mining industry.

Methodological basis of the study methods of system analysis, comparisons and analogies, logical-semantic modeling. As the theoretical basis used in the works of domestic and foreign scholars on planning, including in the mining industry, the provisions of theories of strategic management, planning, innovative development. Sources of information are the economic and other special literature, articles from periodicals, the results of the research, the experience of leading foreign companies of mining industry.

This research is aimed at studying the principles of strategic planning of innovative activities of the mining industry in the region. We have revealed that the existing production and technical potential of the mining industry, as well as investment opportunities and workers of mining enterprises are able to create an innovative upgrade and increase the competitiveness of products. The results of the research can be used in the practice of management of mining industry and public administration to develop recommendations aimed at improving the level of sustainability of these industrial enterprises. Scientific conclusions about intra industry factors complicating the development of mining industry are of practical value.